Friday, November 16, 2012

Once upon a post... the very first...

I've come to the conclusion that the hardest part of having a blog is writing the first post. I HATE writing introductions. And how are you supposed to write an introduction to something when you don't know exactly what it will become, anyways?
Anyhow, I'm going to take the advice of my cousin, Amy, and use this first post to write what I WANT to do with this blog. Here goes!

1)  I want to glorify God with everything I post. If it is not God-honoring, I will not be posting it. 

2)  I want to record memories. I'm not much good with a diary (my last entry was about, two, two an' a half years ago?), and a blog will hopefully be something that I KEEP posting on, instead of just forgetting about it.

3)  I will be posting the answers I've found in the Bible to all sorts of things I've been puzzling over. That will include things I just finally pieced together, and it will include things God told me through something. Any input on these things (like if I've got it wrong, please use the Bible to set me straight!) will be appreciated!

4) I will (on my Mom's insistence) be posting tutorials for crafts and sewing projects, pics of things I've sewn recently, and (here I'm wincing because this could be embarrassing) book report/essays-on-books that I've written for school. About one a week.

Other than that, I have no goals. Well, none that I can think of at the moment. 

Now what?

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