BOOKS, my precious... BOOKS!

My mother has a VERY different problem from any of the usual ones: how to STOP her children from reading anything printed they can get their hands on! In light of that, I am now going to share with you, the unsuspecting reader, a list of some of my favorite books, and why these are my favorite. 

DISCLAIMER: While this list may be large and impressive and altogether boring, it is by no means a complete compilation of the most adored works of writing ascribed to the author's favorite authors;  to write such would likely take far too much of the author's valuable and already scanty spare time, and would also likely take too much time to read .

The Bible. History, action, adventure, love, romance, poetry, and the ultimate guide on how to live your life. Need I say more? I use the NASB translation, and can puzzle out small bits of the original Greek in the New Testament.

The Lord of The Rings, The Hobbit, The Silmarilion, and anything else written by J.R.R.Tolkien. I was once in Barnes and Noble looking at a copy of The Lord of The Rings, and a guy next to me asked if I had ever read the Hobbit, and was it any good? All that my shocked mind could think of for me to say was, "Yeah, I love it." I've only read it like, what, 20 times?

The Chronicles of Narnia, Mere Christianity, The Great Divorce, The Screwtape Letters, The Space Trilogy, and anything else I didn't mention by C.S.Lewis.

Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park, and Persuasion, by Jane Austen. These were written in 1810-1820, so there is a little bit of difficulty when first reading these because you go, "Huh? What are they saying?", but after you get over that they are enormously fun, witty books. I love it how the characters will insult each other or be horribly rude, but because of the way they say it if you aren't paying attention it sounds like they're being polite. English used to have such CLASS...

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Maybe that's because that's most of what I've read in the past month. But there are more, and I will add them when I think of them.

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